

What is the cause of stinky feet? How do you get rid of it?


Contrary to popular belief, it’s not sweat that causes feet to smell. It’s actually when gas-emitting bacteria feasts off the sweaty dead skin that gets trapped in your shoes – MMMM sounds delightful! The science gurus from YouTubes Reactions: Everyday chemistry have explained that sweat is actually odourless.


So what can you do about it? They break it down into four main steps:


1. Wash and scrub: Duh – but make sure you use antibacterial soap and use a pumice stone to remove dead skin.



2. Clean your Socks! Change them everyday and make sure your socks are made from breathable natural material like cotton.



3. Keep your kicks fresh: Air out your shoes after you wear them.



4. Deodorise: Yep – you can put deodorant on your feet – just like your armpits! It really works – try it out.