“How would you feel if your son chose this??” That’s the caption a California dad posted the above video on Facebook.

Mikki Willis posted the video, explaining his son Azai had received two of the same gifts for his recent birthday. So he exchanged one of the gifts at the store for an Ariel doll.

So how did this dad feel? Love. He loves his son. And he tells Azai and his younger brother, Zuri, that they can always choose whatever toy they want.  “I promise forever to love you and accept you no matter what life you choose.”

Mikki Willis / Facebook
Mikki Willis / Facebook

Willis told BuzzFeed News that he was inspired to post the video after going out to eat with Azai and his new doll. He said he saw some women in the restaurant give Azai a disapproving look when they saw him playing with it.

Now, don’t get me wrong – the internet can be a horrible place and there are certainly some detractors. But out of the 14 million+ views so far, most of the more than 600 comments are positive and supportive.

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Later, Willis reposted the video and commented on the reactions he’s gotten from it.

“People are asking me, how did you feel the moment Azai chose that doll?'” he wrote. “The honest answer is, it didn’t surprise me at all. Azai is equally fascinated by princesses and robots. One moment he’s all boy, the next he’s expressing a softer, more angelic side.”

The once complaint he did have as a dad, “I had to resist my urge to say, ‘Why don’t we chose a more realistic doll. I don’t want my boys to adapt to the programming that … women should be built like a Barbie.”

But that was the toy Azai wanted, so Dad let him make the choice without any judgment.

“My job as daddy is to provide a safe playing field for my boys to play whatever game they choose, or better yet, create their own game. I trust that by the time they realize the world isn’t as accepting as mommy and daddy they’ll have such a solid foundation that nothing will shake their stance to fully, and unabashedly be themselves.”

And Ariel has been a big hit. Willis said Azai takes her with him everywhere, and is sure he will soon incorporate her into his playing with his other toys. “I imagine she will be on the battlefield with the Transformers any day now,” he said.