
Comedy writer Aaron Gillies’ wife doesn’t need much to make her cry. And – if life with my husband has taught me anything – it’s that the proper response to ridiculous tears for no reason is to mock gently, usually in a public forum.

Enter the internet.

Aaron posted this on Twitter, someone put it on Reddit, and here we are 2 days, 50,000 likes and 30,000 retweets later

I get it. I’m just like Aaron’s wife. I cry at phone commercials. I cry when the jets are flying during Top Gun. If there’s a story on the internet involving a baby or a dog, I’m a weeping mess. And I’m not alone.



And a link to this Wikipedia page? Oh yeah. We’re crying again.

(By the way, his wife Lex is totally okay with him outting her crying jags on the internet so don’t feel like he’s being a jerk. They seem pretty cute together.)