I love this idea.

When Alex Sheen’s father died a few years ago of small cell lung cancer, he was asked to give the eulogy.

“My father was an average man. He was no war hero. He never wrote a book. He never ran marathons. He was a pharmacist. No recognition. No fame. But for everything that made my father “average” and “everyday,” there was one thing he did exceptionally well. He kept his promises. My father was a man of his word.

Too often we say things like “I’ll get to it” and “tomorrow.” One day there is no tomorrow. The promises we make and keep and those we choose to dishonor define us and this world.”

So, instead of New Year’s resolution he wrote out 52 separate week long goals on promise cards – things like “Donate blood for the 1st time” and “Teach Grandma how to use Skype” – and each week he randomly selects one out of a hat.

What a great idea! You could even apply this to other style resolutions too.

For a fitness year, one week you could say you’re going to run everyday and other week you’re going to try crossfit or yoga.

Week long goals are totally attainable! And, at the end of the year, you’ll have a full jar of things you accomplished instead of one big resolution that you failed at. Wouldn’t that feel inspiring?!?