
What Happens In Vegas…Definitely Won’t Stay In Vegas….


This week Chris Harrison informed the 13 remaining girls that they were going to Las Vegas. Not exactly the most romantic place on earth, but either is finding love on a reality television show, right? The girls had an hour to pack their bags and then they were off!
The Isla Fisher look alike JoJo would get the first date in Vegas which was a one-on-one date. In typical Bachelor fashion, they traveled by helicopter to a private rooftop dinner, you know the kind of stuff we all get to do on first dates? JoJo revealed that her last serious relationship was with someone who wasn’t completely faithful to her. Fun fact: if you google her name, pictures of her and Dallas Stars’ center Tyler Seguin come up. Hopefully young girls across the nation learned a valuable life lesson last night, don’t date young NHL players.
There was a ridiculous amount of passion and a whole lot of making out throughout the date, so obviously JoJo scored herself a date rose.
Next up would be the dreaded group date. Caila, Emily, Hayley, Lauren H., Lauren B., Jubilee, Amanda, Jennifer, Rachel, and of course Olivia would find themselves competing in a talent show in front of 1200 people for their date. The girls hand only a couple of hours to figure out what their “talents” were. Jubilee surprised everyone by getting down on the cello, the twins performed a river dance, Lauren B. juggled, and Olivia…..well….she wore a flapper girl outfit and jumped out of a cake…..talent – less one might say. Olivia’s act was quite painful to watch. After her performance she had a minor panic attack but that wouldn’t stop her from “stealing” Ben at the cocktail party.
Jennifer was the first to “steal” Ben away during the cocktail party, which has basically never happened in the four weeks of the show. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ben forgot that Jennifer was still there, that’s how quiet she’s been so far. However, her moment in the spotlight wouldn’t last long, because of course Olivia would barge in, in typical Olivia fashion.
Lauren H. would also receive some one-on-one time during the group date as well as Caila, who Ben referred to as a “sex panther” but it was the  flight attendant Lauren B. who would walk away with the date rose.
The second one-on-one date of the week went to fan favorite Becca.  A large white package was delivered to the hotel prior to her date…what was inside? A strapless, over the top, very 80’s wedding gown…. a jealous Jubilee made the comment “she’s the only one that can wear white, she’s a virgin”. In case you may have forgotten, Becca is “the virgin” from Chris Soule’s season. She was picked up in a tacky pink convertible and dropped off at a Vegas wedding chapel where she was greeted by Ben who got down on one knee and asked her….to marry other people with him. I guess he got ordained earlier in the day. The two of them married  several couple before heading to a “Neon Museum”.
If you’re not familiar, which I don’t know why you would be, a “Neon Museum” is the place where old Vegas signs go to die. How romantic? Becca opened up to Ben, saying that she feels way more for Ben than she did on her last appearance on The Bachelor with Chris Soules. Probably because Chris Soules was a total jerk and Ben is a perfect gentlemen, not to mention a totally hottie…. but i’m slightly biased. The date would end with some awkward kissing and a date rose for Becca.
Chris Harrison threw us a curve ball this week, when he showed up at the girls’ hotel room and told the girls that there was going to be one last surprise date before the rose ceremony with the twins (Emily and Hayley) in their hometown.
Ben surprised the twins by taking them to their home, their actual home because yes, they live in Las Vegas. When they arrived at their house they were greeted by their mom and their five Dachshunds! Yes, they have five wiener dogs. Is that even legal? Ben stole some advice from their mother, and made the difficult decision to say goodbye to Hayley (the twin without the broken thumb).  Personally I feel that he only made this decision to make it easier on himself because like everyone watching at home, he couldn’t tell the two apart.
Drama ensued at the rose ceremony, as per usual. Ben said bye to Rachel and Amber. But the real shock of the episode was when he gave Jennifer a rose. Who’s Jennifer? Olivia received the final rose of the night, hanging on one more week. I think it’s pretty safe to say that the show needs her. She supplies the drama that has us all tuning in week after week. Even my boyfriend watches this train wreck now (he’ll give his recap next week).
This week in my Bachelor Bracket (yes, I have a Bachelor Bracket), I racked up a total of 32 points. I did not see Jennifer, seriously who’s Jennifer? I also picked the wrong twin to stay.
In the words of host Chris Harrison next week’s episode “is the most dramatic yet”. The girls are off to Mexico with Bachelor Ben! Stock the wine, because next week is gonna be a good one
