Broken-hearted in a small town….

This week, Ben and the remaining six girls were off to the small town of Warsaw, Indiana. Why Warsaw, Indiana? Well, that’s Ben’s hometown and he felt it was important that the girls get to know a little bit better before he sent two more packing….yes this week we said goodbye to two more girls, I’ll get to who in a bit.

The first date of the week was a one-on-one with frontrunner Lauren B., I only consider her a frontrunner because I picked her to win weeks ago on my Bachelor Bracket. Ben picked up Lauren B. in an old red pick-up truck and showed her around his hometown, their final stop of the date was a youth center that Ben worked at for several years. It was pretty refreshing to see the two on a normal date that a normal couple would go. There were no helicopters, no hot air balloon rides, no private concerts, but then Paul George, George Hill, Frank Vogel of the Indiana Pacers showed up to shoot hoops with the kids at the youth center. The date ended with dinner and no rose, not because he was sending Lauren home but because the date didn’t have a rose. Also, I guess we can drop the “B” from her name and just call her “Lauren” now as there’s only one Lauren left. What a proud moment for her.

The second date of the week, would also be a one-on-one date. JoJo and Ben were off to “The Windy City” aka Chicago to visit Wrigley Field. We all know JoJo likes her hockey players, but I wonder how she feels about baseball players?

The two ran the bases together and goofed around before having a romantic candle lit dinner at center field. There was also no rose on this date so the pressure was off again.

Next, would be the dreaded group date. Amanda, Caila, and Becca were all thrilled to go boating on the river with Ben. Not. However, Becca and Amanda decided to get in their own boat together which was a terrible move on their part because that left Caila and Ben alone in a boat together which basically looked like a scene straight from the Notebook or any Nicolas Sparks book ever. The battled to land and ended up at a barn that looked all to similar to the barn that Becca sat in with Chris Soules before she was sent home broken hearted.

When they arrived at the barn, Ben would deliver the news that this date would have a rose that was going to be handed out immediately and if you didn’t receive the rose that the date would be over for you. Ben gave the rose to single mom Amanda and awkwardly sent Becca and Caila back to the house. Then Ben took Amanda to McDonalds. I’m not even kidding. The two worked the drive-thru window and shared a small fry Coke together. How romantic. She’s a single mother of two girls under the age of four, she probably frequents McDonalds in her regular life, literally any other restaurant would have been more exciting for her.

The final date of the week would go to Emily. Who was picked up at the mansion by Ben and off to his childhood home. Ben surprised Emily by bringing out his parents to meet her for the first time. What a terrible thing to do someone, you need to mentally prepare yourself before meeting your future in-laws for the first time. You should never just spring that on anyone with out any notice. Ben’s parents were pretty underwhelmed with Emily. I also really thought that this would be the moment where we would finally learn what Emily did for a living instead of just seeing “Twin” appear underneath her name on the screen. Sadly I was wrong but we did find out that she dreams of being a Denver Broncos cheerleader….I think it’s pretty safe to say that Emily is unemployed.

The date ended with Ben telling Emily that though he thought she was an amazing woman, he couldn’t see her being his wife. Usually when a girl is sent home, her bags are already packed and she doesn’t go back in the house to see the girls but that wasn’t the case this time. Emily broke out into tears when telling the girls she was going home. Yes, I felt bad for her but then I remembered that she was going home to her FIVE WIENER DOGS. The girl has five dogs, she should be over Ben in a week.

There was no cocktail party prior to the rose ceremony and very little Chris Harrison this week. Becca was the one girl who did not receive a rose. She said goodbye to Ben and reminded him again that she asked him not to blindside her. My heart went to Becca when she didn’t receive that rose, that’s twice that she’s been dumped on national television now. I even sent her a tweet saying that she could have my boyfriend. Fingers crossed that she’s the next Bachelorette. Third times a charm, right?

Ben’s got some traveling to do next week as he’s off to each one of the four remaining girls’ hometowns to meet the parents. It’s going to be all sorts of awkward and I can’t wait!