It’s The “Hometowns”

Week 9

Think back to the time you met your boyfriend/girlfriend’s parents for the first time? How incredibly nervous were you? I remember my boyfriend had  long hair at the time and just prior to meeting my parents he cut it all off. That’s how nervous he was. Now imagine dating four girls at the same time and having to meet four sets of parents. Well, that’s what Ben had to do this week. He was quite the traveler, visiting Ohio, Dallas, Los Angeles, and Portland on the hometown dates this week.

First up was Amanda in Orange County. Ben finally got to meet Amanda’s two little girls; Charli and Kinsley.  Amanda watched as Ben played with the girls on the beach. It looked very fairytale- esque however reality set in as they four of them left the beach to head to Amanda’s parents house. Her two little girls did what most toddlers do when they’re in the car….they cried. Ben looked extremely overwhelmed and helpless as they drove to dinner. They were greeted by Amanda’s mom, dad, and older sister. Her mother seemed to really like Ben, as any mother would. He’s definitely the type that you’d wanna bring home to your parents. Her dad didn’t really have any questions for Ben but he had some concerns, mainly with the fact that he would have to become an “instant dad” and whether or not he wad ready for that kind of responsibility. All and all, her family was pretty easy on him, especially considering the fact that children were involved.

Ben then traveled to Portland, where Lauren B showed him around and took him to a “Whiskey Library. Apparently that’s a thing. When they arrived at her house, Ben was introduced to her mom, dad, younger sister, two younger brothers (like really young), and her 18 year old sweet pup “Tessa”. I would like to note that I can’t remember the sibling’s name but I definitely did not forget the dog’s name. Lauren’s sister stole Ben away for some alone time to ask him the hard hitting questions, mainly what makes her sister stand out from the bunch. Ben could barely respond to the question without crying, which makes me feel incredibly confident about my choice to win….Lauren B. After Ben left, Lauren wished she had found the chance to tell him that she loved him. BUt she wouldn’t be the only one to wish that…..

Next up was Caila in Ohio where we learned that her father is the CEO on Step 2. Yes, her father is the CEO of the incredibly successful and not to mention enormous children’s toy company. So obviously, they went to a factory and made their own playhouse. That has to be the most unique date the show has ever had in 20 seasons. They then went back to her parent’s house where they were introduced to a spread of Filipino Food. Oh and her parents were there. Her mom is basically her twin, she might even look younger than Caila (which seems impossible) because she has braces. And her dad, well her dad is a neat guy…we’ll leave it at that. However, he seems to think that Caila is going to get “crushed”. I feel the same.

Finally Ben went to Dallas to meet Jojo in her hometown. Finally, there some drama ensued when she arrived home to see roses sitting on her doorstep. Naturally, she thought they were from Ben but as she read the card that came with them, she quickly found out that they were actually from an ex named “Chad”. I mean of course his name is “Chad”.  Jojo then called Chad to set the record straight but he wasn’t having any of it because…well he’s still in love with her. Why on earth would you call your ex minutes before you new boyfriend is about to pick you up? Staged.

You might think that that would be the biggest derailment of this hometown date but you’re wrong. That honor went to Jojo’s big brothers who clearly really really love their little sister. Now, most brothers are protective of their little sister especially when it comes to dating but these two were next level. They’re a solid 10-15 years older than he but act about 5 years younger than her. They wanted absolutely nothing to do with Ben and even accused him of “brainwashing” their Jojo.  The highlight of this week’s episode is when the entire family was standing around in the kitchen discussing Ben and Jojo’s relationship when her mom just started drinking straight from the champagne bottle.


Week 8 (3)

The hometown dates were just as painful as I’d thought they’d be but not nearly as painful as the rose ceremony.  Ben sent Amanda home and I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING AT ALL. I think I actually cried for her. But she was super classy when leaving. She just told Ben that she wished he would have told her how he felt after the date instead of having her fly all the way to the rose ceremony and then back home again. Which makes sense but wouldn’t have made for dramatic television.

Next week is the week we’ve all been waiting for, not the finale, not the women tell all…’s the fantasy suites! Who will have sex? Who won’t have sex? Who will cry? I can answer that, everyone will cry. Can’t answer the sex questions though. You’ll have to find out next week!


Bachelor 8 (4)