Three Ladies, Two Roses, One Ben….You Do The Math


This week the three remaining ladies and Ben were off to Jamaica! Being on The Bachelor is tough work, free exotic vacations, unlimited wine, delicious dinners (that no one seems to even touch), and BEN! Did I mention unlimited wine? The only stipulation is that you have to have a mass amount of dresses and apparently bikinis.

This week’s episode was intense not just because it was the “fantasy suites” episode but because last week we learned that Ben falls in love with not one but two ladies. The L word was gonna be dropped twice this week and if that plus a shirtless Ben on the beach doesn’t make you wanna watch then I don’t know what will!

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Caila would get the first date of the week, which started off with Ben wearing a hot pink button up, and I’m all for men wearing pink but Ben does not pull it off. That’s neither here nor there though. Continuing with the date, it started off with a tense rafting trip down the Martha Brae River and a lack of conversation. Seriously, it was awkward. Ben said that this was his deepest relationship of the three and the two almost had nothing to talk about.

It wasn’t until dinner that Caila finally started talking and dropped this bomb on Ben, “Part of me has wanted to tell you something for a long time now and that is that is that I’m in love with you”. Ben basically responded with kisses, which I guess was good enough for Caila but painfully awkward for viewers. He’s allowed to say it back but didn’t.

She chose to forgo her own room to share a night in the fantasy suite with Ben.

The second date of the week was Lauren B or rather ” Lauren” because she’s now the only Lauren left. Lauren and Ben rescued baby turtles on their date. Baby turtles are just like regular turtles but 10x more cute.

Similar to Caila’s date, Lauren also revealed to Ben that she’s in love with him however Ben said it back to her. “I’ve known I’m in love with you for awhile now”. What’s “a while”? I mean they’ve only knwon each other for a couple of months, how long could he have possible known for? The two exchanged “I love yous” while standing in the ocean underneath a double rainbow. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

9 Bachelor 3I’m a Lauren fan, I have been since the beginning but it should be noted that she was wearing a cropped top AND short shorts on her date which is a huge fashion no no for me! You can’t wear a cropped top and short shorts, it’s one of the other. Not both.

Moving on to the third date of the episode. JoJo, after last week’s hometown visit, I was certain that JoJo would be going home. Her father was chill, her mother was….well…..drunk….and her brothers were incredibly overprotective of her. Borderline creepy protective. But that’s nothing that a low-cut top and short shorts could fix, right?

JoJo and Ben took off in a helicopter for a little cliff jumping off a waterfall. You know, just normal stuff we all do on dates. Not. Jojo, like the other two girls was apprehensive to tell Ben that she was in love with him. She decided to do it anyways, “I love you” she said. He responded with, “JoJo, I love you too”. SAY WHAT? She was equally as confused as everyone else watching, asking “are you allowed to say that?”

Yeah Ben , are you? This guy has got himself in a huge pickle here. In love with two girls, at the same time. I guess I don’t even have to tell you what happened to Caila then but I will anyways. Caila surprised Ben by showing up at the place he was staying. Ben was sitting outside, gazing at the ocean and possibly pondering how he was going to let Caila down gently as she came up behind him, and kissed him while gigglying. She really had no idea what was about to happen next. Ben told Caila how great of a girl she was and that he was going to miss her but she wasn’t having any of it. She got in an SUV and started to cry as she drove away. BUT then she got out of the SUV and ran back to Ben to get some stuff of her chest, some closure. She wanted to know if he knew how he felt about her before their date and their stay in the fantasy suite and he said it wasn’t until after all three dates that he felt this way. I’m calling BS! Fast forwarding to the rose ceremony, where the two remaining girls quickly realized that Caila had already gone home. It’s funny because two weeks ago, you would swear that these girls were all best friends and now that its down to just two girls, these girls have become enemies. Rightfully so. Ben handed out the roses and the three awkwardly cheers-ed to “falling in love (with the same person)”.

The scenes to the finale look incredible but lets be honest, they always do. It’s good editing on abc’s part.

Next week is the Women Tell All episode, where we’ll see our old friend Lace and Olivia! Can’t wait!