If you believe in supernatural “monsters” you may want to make a trip to a town in the UK which is currently dealing with a werewolf problem.
Werewolves in England Image: dogtime.com
Werewolf sightings are occurring in a rural UK community.
Image Source: dogtime.com

Werewolf Sightings Near Small UK Town

For hundreds of years stories of a half-man-half-wolf creature roaming the Yorkshire Countryside of England have existed. Those tales are getting new life after seven sightings of a “werewolf” have been reported recently. People have reported seeing an eight-foot-tall wolf-like creature standing up on it’s hind legs and running through the region. One woman saw it jump nearly thirty feet as she was crossing a bridge. Another person claimed to see the wolf eating a German Shepherd. Rocker Alice Cooper has even chimed in about the supposed werewolf sightings sharing reports with his social media followers.

The Legend of Old Stinker

Some residents believe this wolf could in fact be the same one spotted in the 1700s named “Old Stinker.” Back then, packs of wolves were hunted down as the residential population grew in this area. But Old Stinker, a larger-than-average wolf, was often seen, but never captured. One author suggested wolves in the area may have gained supernatural powers after digging around in the community’s graveyard.
Other people say it’s totally ridiculous to believe that a wolf could survive for centuries, super natural or not, and that people’s imaginations are running wild. For an added twist to this mystery, an area known as the Wold Newton Triangle is nearby and has apparently been a site of ghost sightings as well.

Werewolves: Fact or Fiction

Werewolves? Bigfoot? The Loch Ness Monster? Do you believe there are undiscovered creatures still roaming around somewhere out there? If you want to get in on the Werewolf search ready your pitchfork, flaming torch, and silver bullet (just in case) because a city councilman is leading an expedition on the next full moon to try and find Old Stinker.
Filed under: Alice Cooper, England, monsters, mystery, Old Stinker, Paranormal, UK, United Kingdom, Werewolf, werewolves