The original theme song for Ghostbusters is one of the most recognizable and iconic theme songs out there.

There have been some extremely strong opinions on just the reboot of the movie itself. A lot of questions were asked.

You can’t do Ghostbusters without that song

Would the theme song be rebooted too?

Paul Feig, the director, was asked 3 months ago about the Ghostbusters song by a fan at a special Ghostbusters event on the Sony Pictures studio lot in LA and said,

You’re definitely going to hear the Ghostbusters song, because you can’t do Ghostbusters without that song. We’re playing not only with the original one, which it would be a crime not to hear that song, but also new versions of it.

Today, that new version – done by Fall Out Boy and featuring Missy Elliott – hit the web.

Needless to say, the internet is very divided on whether this is blasphemy or not. Give a listen to the old and the new and let us know what you think.

Ghostbusters will be hitting cinemas on July 15th.

Filed under: Ghostbusters, movie, Music, theme song