American retailer JCPenney has a powerful new body-positive ad for the brand’s plus-size line, Here I Am.

Awesome, successful plus-size women telling their stories.

“You can’t love your body for what you hope it turns into without actively loving it for what it is today”

“I’ve spent so many years being uncomfortable in my own skin. It’s time for me to be happy,” says Ashley Nell Tipton, the first designer to win Project Runway with a plus-size line, who’s working with JCPenney on their new plus-size fashion brand, Boutique+™.  Her line with JCPenney hit stores in May.

JCPenney’s Boutique+™ is offering everything from trendy rompers to wardrobe staples like leggings and more — all up to size 34.

Fashion blogger GabiFresh says, “In high school, I was one of those girls who said, ‘I would be so much prettier if I was thin. If I could just reach that one last level my life would be perfect.”

But she’s realized that just isn’t true.

“The only person who should be defining me is me,” she says. “Even if I lost 100 lbs. tomorrow I would still be the person I am now. I would still be GabiFresh.”

“I’ve spent so many years feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. It’s time for me to be happy and never have to look back.”

Singer/Songwriter Mary Lambert really hits the nail on the head when she says, “You can’t love your body for what you hope it turns into without actively loving it for what it is today.”

I’ve been guilty of that one myself. Not buying clothes because I’m going to lose a few more pounds; what’s the point? Looking in the mirror and not liking what I see, but refusing to spend mone to look better because I want to think my body is in transition. Instead of just loving myself for the point I’m at right now.

“It’s really up to us to change the narrative”

The ad is great. It cuts through the BS. It celebrates the joy of just being alive and to hell with what you look like, or more specifically what other people think of what you look like.

powerful body-positive ad

It’s all about loving yourself and knowing your own worth.

Because you are awesome. No matter what size you are.

Know it. Really own it. That’s what really matters.

Filed under: body image, body-positive, commercial, JC Penney