It’s hard to resist that cup of Tim’s, even when you’re a skunk.

Cst. Kyle Van De Sype was heading home after work in Winnipegosis, Manitoba, around 2:15 a.m., when he spotted a skunk with a Tim Horton’s stuck on its head. It looked like it had been lodged there a while because the poor thing appeared to be starving.

Skunk Rescue
Van De Sype recruited fellow officer, Cst. Catlin Lang, to try a “tarp and trap,” where one throws a tarp over the animal and the other removes the cup.

Skunks have a reputation of being stinky; a reputation that is well deserved. But most people don’t realize what vicious little dudes they are too. I don’t envy them this job at all!

RCMP did say both officers escaped without being sprayed though so tomato juice was required.

Filed under: animal rescue, Police, RCMP, Viral video