Let me start by saying, I don’t agree with this AT ALL…It sounds like the  guy who wrote this had the best intentions to help people succeed in life BUT this might be the most ridiculous thing you read all week!


A male job recruiter wrote a blog which he posted to LinkedIn, stating that women should think twice before going into a job interview with an engagement ring…ESPECIALLY if it’s a huge rock.

Reason is, some would perceive the woman as being high maintenance and another reason being the other women in the office could be jealous and dislike this new woman based on her ring. Wait, WHAT? is this for real??


Ok, obviously there are some Do’s and Don’t’s when it comes to interviewing for a new job but not wearing your engagement ring…that seems a bit ridiculous!


One of the parts that stands out the most is:


“When a man gives a woman an engagement ring, he buys the least expensive ring that he believes it will take to get her to agree to the proposal.  For women it may be a symbol of everlasting love, but for men (when it is expensive) it is akin to a business transaction.  So when a male interviewer sees what appears to be an expensive engagement ring he assumes the wearer is, as I said in the article, “high maintenance.”  He may be willing to have a high-maintenance woman in his personal life; he doesn’t necessarily want one in his office.”


Image via Tumblr
Image via Tumblr


He does bring up men and their expensive tastes but says employers don’t think of it as “high-maintenance”…they think it’s just TOO GOOD to be true


Interviewer A: Great guy. We should hire him.

Interviewer B: Did you see his watch? He’s wearing a $50,000 Rolex. We could never afford him!

And, no, they will not call to discuss it with you. They’ll move on to the qualified candidate with the Timex (which is what I wear!).


If you’d like to read the full article…its HERE

Filed under: bad writing, blog, job, job interview, Jobs, WTF