Getting Back At ‘Er!

Who doesn’t want to be exercising more? Once you’re in a regular workout routine you feel great and exercise just becomes part of your typical day. Getting to that point can be daunting. So much so, that it can seem near impossible to get back into a workout routine. With the help of a local fitness expert, we’ve put together an awesome workout you can try at home with no equipment!

Consistency And Motivation

Tania Tetrault Vrga from Crossfit Winnipeg recently stopped by the KiSS studio to share her advice for getting back into an exercise routine after a long time off and she says it comes down to two things: consistency and motivation.

If you’re serious about your workout, you have to treat it seriously and that means figuring out a consistent schedule. Keep it realistic, don’t promise yourself you’re going to workout 7 days a week for an hour a day because you’re not going to be able to from zero to sixty. You’ll just end up missing your goal and feeling bad. Take a look at your schedule and your day. Decide how much time yo can actually dedicate to an exercise routine and even if it is only ten minutes at first, then make sure to carve out that time a few times a week. Try a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule to start with and stick with it. Once you build up your consistency then exercise just becomes part of your day and you don’t even have to worry about fitting it in. It just becomes habit.

The other key is motivation. Figure out why you REALLY want to workout. Is it because you want to be able to keep up with your kid when they’re running around the playground? Is it because your clothes have gotten a little tight? Are you getting ready for a big trip that involves some pool or beach time? When you really discover your motivation for exercise then when excuses come up to skip a workout you can weigh them against your motivation and recognize that some distractions aren’t quite as important as your personal health and fitness routine.

What Works For You?

Are you currently in a fitness routine that works well? What’s been the key to your success? Has it been working out with a friend, finding the right gym, taking the right classes? Let us know what your secrets to fitness success have been! Also, give out latest Gym Shorts workout a try and let us know if you’re able to stick with it this week!

Filed under: Crossfit, Crossfit Winnipeg, Exercise, Fitness, Gym Shorts, health, Healthy Living, kiss 102.3, Winnipeg