Gym Shorts: Abs

Find Your Motivation!

Do you workout regularly? Why or why not? Every Monday on KiSS 102.3 we have fitness and nutrition experts join us to share their best advice to help us live healthier lifestyles. This week Tania from Crossfit Winnipeg shared her tips for helping you stay motivated to visit the gym!

3 Tips To Keep You Motivated To Exercise

  1. Know WHY you want to workout! If you know ahead of time why your reasons for wanting to be in better shape (being able to keep up with your kid when they run around, fitting into a bathing suit before a beach trip, finally being able to tell people honestly that you can do a chin up) you can make better decisions when distractions try and interfere with your workout. Is skipping the gym to go for lunch with friends really more important than [insert end goal here]? If not, then don’t skip!
  2. Tell people you’re working out! If you tell your friends in person and on social media that you’re going to hit the gym X number of times a week, it can be the motivation you need to actually haul your butt down to the gym even on days you don’t feel like going. You can skip the post-gym, flexing selfie (or post with pride if you’re now ripped), but if other people are expecting you to be at the gym then you’re accountable to more than just yourself.
  3. Consider classes rather than solo workouts. This depends on what kind of person you are. If you already know everything to do in the gym right off the bat, awesome! But if you have no idea what exercises or movements to be doing, joining a class not only allows you to learn from a professional, but you can watch the other people in the class to figure out your own movements and maybe even make some new gym friends who will help you stay accountable.

3 Steps To Better Abs

If you’re itching to get started with your workouts, here’s a simple one you can try at home with no equipment! This workout can be done a few times a week and targets your abs.

Filed under: Crossfit, Drew Kozub, Exercise, Fitness, Gym Shorts, Tania Tetrault, Winnipeg, Workout