Show Me The Money!

Music videos are expensive. They involve tens of thousands of dollars on production costs, makeup, lighting and more. So the guys from Marianas Trench decided they wanted to do something different with their new music video. They wanted to do something impactful. So they took the cash they were going to use to film a slick new music video and instead spent it all doing good deeds.

Who Do You Love?

The band’s new song is called Who Do You Love, so fittingly the guys in the band decided to feature some people and organizations that were close to their heart. They decided to do all sorts of inspiring things, big and small, to improve the lives of people they know and complete strangers! Check out the photo gallery below for a few highlights!

Check It Out

The video is really well done! It’s touching to see the reaction of the people who the guys are helping out. If you were in their shoes what good deed would you like to do for someone? Would it be for a family member? Friend? Stranger? Could you do something for one of these people today?

Filed under: Bands, canada, Canadian, Charity, marianas trench, Music, Who Do You Love