Exercising Is Fun…But Not As Fun As Gaming

Have you ever tried to turn your workout into a game? You know, seeing if you can beat yesterday’s high score for sit ups, or fitting in as many push-ups as possible in sixty seconds. Maybe you even come up with rewards and achievements when you hit fitness milestones. Somehow though, turning your workout into a game is just never quite as fun as simply playing a game. However playing a game is not necessary going to help you carve out that six pack you know you’re capable of if only you put in the time. An awesome new Kickstarter project has actually turned a core workout into a game!

Working Out? Bring Your Phone!

Source: Stealth Core Trainer
Source: Stealth Core Trainer

Meet the Stealth Core Trainer. This workout accessory has a built-in slot for your phone and tailors your workout around gameplay! You download the companion app which runs you through an intense core workout that puts all of your body’s muscles to the test. Games challenge you through different movements during gameplay so you’ll be torn between your physical exertion and overall tiredness and actually wanting to keep playing the game! If you can last three whole minutes with the Stealth Core Trainer consider yourself a winner!

Can Working Out Be Fun?

Do you have any tricks you use to make working out a little more fun? Do you go with a buddy? Are you toning up for a trip you’re looking forward to? Do you hit the gym real hard so you can eat an entire pizza later that night guilt-free? Let us know what helps motivate you to get to the gym and actually enjoy going!

Filed under: Exercise, Fitness, health, Kickstarter, Mobile Gaming, Stealth, Video games, Workout