Have you ever caught yourself singing or whistling that song that’s stuck in your head? Maybe it was someone else doing it?


Via Tenor.co
Via Tenor.co


According to TIME MAGAZINE, a woman in the states called the cops on a guy because he outside her house whistling and wouldn’t stop. She got so upset, she started yelling at the guy telling him to “shut up” which then started a verbal altercation. That’s when she decided to call Police to report a crime.

Oh and the song he was whistling on repeat…“Closing Time” by Semisonic.


One of the cops told TIME

“It’s not clear if the caller would have been more or less upset if it was a different genre or whether it was just the talent lacking in the whistling”

By the time Police got there the whistling man was gone but they were able to locate him (still whistling the same song). After chatting for a bit, Police sent the man on his way which apparently he continued to whistle the song on his way home

Filed under: Adam Taylor, kiss 102.3, Police, Time Magazine, usa, Whistling, Winnipeg, WTF