You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Alexander Hamilton…

Hamilton is a massive hit on Broadway but even if you’re not familiar with it, you probably know the story of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Dressed in revolutionary clothing – a la Hamilton – the antler-adorned cast tells the story about how Rudolph is not throwing away his shot.

Hamildolph: An American Christmas Story explains the humble roots of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Eclipse 6, an acapella group that met at Utah University, released this song a couple weeks ago and it may be the best new thing I’ve seen this holiday season. They’re no strangers to Christmas songs as they’ve released seven albums, including two holiday albums.

If you do know “Alexander Hamilton” and “Right Hand Man”, you can really appreciate how similar Eclipse 6 managed to make their Hamildoph parody. The new lyrics are on point – they even throw in a reference to Yukon Cornelius – and Santa making the big entrance instead of George Washington is epic.

Downwnload your copy of Hamildolph now via iTunes.

And if this gets you excited for more Hamilton, the show goes on tour March 2017.

Filed under: A Capella, Christmas, Eclipse 6, Hamilton, Parody, Rudolph