There are many reasons we make resolutions or set goals at the start of a new year…but doing them might not always be the smart choice!


You don’t want to set yourself up for failure and experts suggest you stay away from doing something to “prove” a point!, Here’s how to succeed at resolutions and goals in 2017!


  • GOAL: Conquering your fear of heights… by skydiving…WHY YOU SHOULDN’T DO IT? Because going to extremes for your emotional health is more foolish than fearless. Psychotherapist Dr. Patricia Farrell says you should have a healthy respect for heights, speed and other dangerous things. So, bungee jump or skydive if it’s a longtime dream – not if it’s about proving something to yourself or others. If fear is something that’s really holding you back in life, seek counseling.


  • GOAL: Getting into shape: The boot-camp approach may get you buff in a hurry, but it can also overtax muscles, which makes you more susceptible to injury. WHAT YOU SHOULD DO INSTEAD: vow to do something every day. A goal you’ll actually stick with makes more sense than going for broke and burning out.


  • GOAL: To fit into your favorite pair of jeans from high-school. Even if you weigh what you did at age 17, your body could be a lot different. According to Fitness magazine, our bodies go through a variety of changes over the years. Muscle is replaced by fat – or vice versa. Curves become more defined, especially after having kids. So, drop your old jeans off at Goodwill and splurge on a new pair. WHAT YOU SHOULD TRY TO ACHIEVE: your resolution should be to stay within 10 pounds of the weight you were senior year, as long as that was a healthy weight. There’s no reason why you have to weigh more as you age, according to Dr. Walter Willet from the Harvard School of Public Health.


The people over at Forbes put together some great tips on how to keep your resolutions and goals, check it out HERE

Filed under: Goals, life, Lifestyle, New Years resolutions, Resolutions, Winnipeg