Mariah Carey finally explained what happened during her New Year’s Eve.

She took to her Twitter on Sunday (January 8) to share an audio recording explaining her thoughts on her performance.

“I haven’t really addressed the situation that happened on New Year’s Eve and in time, I will. But for now, I want everyone to know that I came to New Year’s Eve in New York in great spirit and was looking forward to a celebratory moment with the world. It’s a shame that we were put into the hands of a production team with technical issues, who chose to capitalize on circumstances beyond our control,” Mariah said.

She then went on to explain that factors such as the temperature, the massive crowds and faulty ear pieces set her up to fail.

Mariah added, “Listen guys, they foiled me. Thus, it turned into an opportunity to humiliate me and all those who were excited to ring in the new year with me. …I cannot deny that my feelings are hurt, but I’m working through this and I’m truly grateful for my fans and my true friends who have been so supportive in this time.”

She also stated that she plans to take a break from the media and social media but will continue to fulfill her profession obligations and focus on her upcoming tour in March.

Listen to Mariah‘s entire explanation below…

But also, check out The San-Antonio Spurs dance squad poking fun at Mariah.

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Filed under: Mariah Carey