This is probably the last movie we’ll see Hugh Jackman in as Logan a.k.a Wolverine from the X-Men franchise…but never say never!


Here’s a quote from the director of the movie James Mangold:


It’s year 2029 when the movie takes place,” James Mangold told  He added, “There’s an epilogue scene in Days of Future Past which is 2024, or 2023, something like that.  I just wanted to get far enough past. My goal was real simple: it was to pick a time where I had enough elbow room that I was clear of existing entanglements. Part of the way I think this films stop being fresh (these films being franchise comic book movies) is when you find yourself making essentially a television series with $200 million episodes where you’re literally just picking up where the last one left off and you’re making a mini-series. Then, it’s impossible to do something fresh, meaning essentially you’re just a director on the 14th episode of a television show picking up where the last one left off and people are going to be really startled by any discontinuity or changes.”


Check out the latest trailer for the movie that was released today


Logan is in theaters March 3rd!


Original story posted via

Filed under: Hugh Jackman, Logan, movie, movie trailer, wolverine, X-Men