Justin and Hailey Bieber are on the October cover of Vogue Italia and together, they talk kids, marriage and more.




Hailey begins, “It was difficult for me to understand how to carry on a relationship like this, experienced under the eyes of all.  But there comes a time when you have to embrace reality, and admit who you are.  For a long time I couldn’t do it: I didn’t kiss him in public, I didn’t like the idea of people watching us at certain moments.  But I realized that this is a battle that in the long run, instead of protecting you, exhausts you.  The fact is, we love each other.  And there is nothing really to hide.”




Justin and Hailey recently celebrated their 2nd wedding anniversary and according to Hailey, Justin makes her feel ‘strong, sexy, and tough,’ “Although many still see us as eternal teenagers, Justin in particular.  Instead, we are a married man and woman, committed, and comfortable with their sexuality.  Our chemistry is born from these private and profound awareness.”




What about children? Hailey shares, “The strange thing is that I’ve always wanted to have children early, but now that I’m married, I feel less urgent.  It will happen, but not now.”  When Justin was on The Ellen Show back in April, she asked how many kids he and Hailey would like to have, Justin replied, “I think it’s up to Hailey because it’s her body.”




For Justin and Hailey’s full interview with Vogue Italia, click here.

Filed under: hailey-bieber, justin-bieber, vogue-italia