Chef’s Plate surveyed 1,003 Canadians between July 11 and 19, and they revealed Canada’s favourite food emoji of 2022.  The number one spot went to the birthday cake emoji, with 22% of Canadians saying they used it the most.  In second place, the famous eggplant emoji.


Birthday Cake Emoji (U+1F382)Eggplant Emoji (U+1F346)



According to the website:


“Our survey highlighted that men use less food emojis than women. In fact, almost half of men surveyed (49%) said that they never used food emojis, compared to only 35% of women.  Our survey data revealed that the birthday cake emoji was the most frequently used food emoji of them all, with 22% of Canadians surveyed saying they use this emoji most often.  The birthday cake is used most frequently by those in the 55+ age group, with almost a quarter (24%) of those surveyed in this age bracket saying it is their most used food emoji. On the other hand, the eggplant emoji is frequently used by Gen Zs, with 24% of 18-24 year olds claiming that this is their most used food emoji.  This could possibly highlight a generational difference in the reason people use emojis; some to convey meaning and others to convey humour and light-hearted insinuations.”



Top 5 food emojis Canadians use the most:

  • Birthday cake Birthday Cake Emoji (U+1F382)
  • Eggplant Eggplant Emoji (U+1F346)
  • Pizza ???? Pizza Emoji — Copy & Paste, How to Use, Combinations ??????????
  • Burger Hamburger Emoji (U+1F354)
  • Avocado ???? Avocado Emoji



Top 5 food emojis Canadians use the least:

  • Dumpling ???? Dumpling Emoji 1-Click Copy-Paste
  • Burrito emoji® – The Official Brand | Burrito - U+1F32F
  • Noodles ???? Steaming Bowl Emoji | Ramen Emoji
  • Sushi ???? Sushi Emoji
  • Salad Green Salad Emoji (U+1F957)



10 Of The Food-Related Emojis Canadians Want Released Right Now:

  • A greater variety of cheeses and pastries
  • More Indian
  • More African foods
  • Cakes with adjustable colour
  • wider variety – including baked, mashed, hash brown etc
  • Chowder
  • Poutine
  • Fajitas
  • Smoothies
  • A vegan, vegetarian, plant-based and pescetarian food emojis



Top 5 Provinces That Use Food Emojis The Most:

  • Ontario
  • Quebec
  • British Columbia
  • Alberta
  • Saskatchewan
Filed under: Emojis