The Bahamas: Where Bachelor Contestants Go To Cry




Well Chris Harrison spoke truth last week when he said that next week’s episode of The Bachelor was the most dramatic episode yet….though, pretty sure he says that after every episode….right?


After ending last week’s episode with a cliff hanger, yesterday’s episode started with a rose ceremony, which feels wrong to me. It’s like eating dessert before dinner. Only one girl went home during the rose ceremony though you may not  have even known that she was ever on the show; her name’s Jennifer and I’m not even totally sure that she even spoke to Ben. I truly have no idea how she stuck around so long, she seemed like a nice girl but I’m glad she’s gone (she was really effecting my Bachelor Bracket). After the rose ceremony, Ben informed the ladies that they were off to The Bahamas. I’ll say it again like I’ve said it before, if you’re in need of a vacation or 12 just sign up for The Bachelor. You’ll go on more trips in three months than a normal person would go in a lifetime.


The first date in the Bahamas would be a one-on-one date with Caila aka “The Sex Panther”. Her and  ben went fishing, how exciting? There’s a whole creative team behind all these dates and a massive budget and the best they could come up with is fishing? Caila’s date was snooze fest but that didn’t stop her from getting a rose!


Next, would be the group date and possibly the best bizarre and entertaining date I’ve ever seen on  the show.  Leah,  Becca, JoJo, Lauren B. , Lauren H., and Amanda went swimming the in ocean with….PIGS! Yes, pigs. Actually pigs. The girls were given a bucket of chicken hotdogs (because regular hotdogs would be cannibalism, right?) to feed to the pigs while in the water. Watching pigs chasing girls in water is quote possibly the most entertaining thing ever.  Single mom  Amanda got the group date rose!


Olivia and last standing twin Emily went on the two-on- one date this week.  Let us not forget that these two cannot stand each other.  Their date would include a boat ride during what looked like typhoon, the windiest day in existence. Olivia  told Ben that she wasn’t like the other girls in the house, that she was in to “deep intellectual things” whatever that means and that she was in love with him. Yes,  she was the first to drop the “L” word.  When it came time for Ben to give out the date rose, the producers made it seem like it was going to Olivia but in a twisted and delightful turn of events, Emily got the rose sending OLIVIA HOME. Ben basically left Olivia on an island to cry while him and Emily walked off into paradise. Finally, we can all breathe a sigh of relief, Olivia is gone but not for good, there’s no doubt in my mind that she will return for Bachelor Paradise, right?


The ladies left were all pleased to see Olivia’s luggage on the front steps of the house but Leah still had a bone to pick with Ben. The night before the rose ceremony, she went over to Ben’s place to let him know that she thought Lauren B. was a different person when he wasn’t around. Lauren B. is a threat for sure, she’s a front runner but I don’t recall every seeing a scene where she was acting out in the house. She barely gets camera time. But in typical Leah fashion, she would once again spend her alone time with Ben talking about the other girls in the house, rather than their relationship. Ben was tired of it, clearly and decided to just send her home.


So if you’re keeping track, that’s three girls sent home already on this episode. Ben was so upset he decided to cancel the cocktail party and jump right into the rose ceremony. Sadly, one more girl was sent home this week….Ben said goodbye to Kindergarten teacher Lauren H.. She was a nice girl, provided us with some laughs, dressed up as a chicken for her talent, but really not a pretty cryer.


As far as I’m concerned its anyone’s game right now… the scenes to come we saw Ben reveal that he falls in love with two girls….DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA!


One whole week until we meet again, Ben.