So yeah, how big was your baby? Probably not 13 pounds…but maybe and if they were, we tip our hat to you!


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This story comes to us by way of Melbourne, Australia (which on a side note is a city I’d LOVE to visit) and a new mum (i think that’s how they spell it down under!)  Natashia Corrigan! She welcomed the big bundle of joy on Tuesday, the little…errr big guy named Brian weighed in at 13.4-pounds!

Wait, that’s the size of a bowling ball!


She told reporters that she’s “Overwhelmed”. YEAH to say the least!


“I dreamed of a little fat baby. I’ve always wanted a little fat baby and now I’ve got a big one,” said Corrigan.


According to local broadcaster Seven Network, Corrigan was told her baby would be on the heavier side and delivered Brian Junior naturally.


There’s more on the story from WTHR News


Natashia, just know…we salute you!


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Filed under: Australia, baby, News, World news