September is Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month. 14,583 kids will be diagnosed with cancer this month alone.

7-year-old Jeremiah Succar was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in May, stage-four atypical rhabdoid teratoid, “an aggressive, fast-growing tumor that occurs in the brain and spinal cord,” and just finished his second round of chemotherapy.

Rachel Platten’s “Fight Song” has become his anthem. “Jeremiah loves ‘Fight Song,'” his dad Jerry Succar tells the hospital. “He memorized the lyrics after three or four times listening to it. He used to sing it when he got a lot of headaches, but now he sings it in the morning, before bed and during shots he has to get.”

So, how do you cheer up your sick 7-year-old? The Succars started a campaign on Instagram and used#RachelMeetJeremiah to try and catch her attention.

It worked! She contacted the family personally and then surprised the little boy at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

During her visit at the hospital, Jeremiah and Platten sang a duet.

Jeremiah had just one question for Platten after the song, “Can I have your autograph?”

Learn more about Jeremiah’s story