life hacks

Photo via Twitter

Don’t you love when people figure out things and post them online for the rest of us to know?!?

Up first…


Has someone ignored your Facebook friend request? There’s a way to find out!



via Facebook

If you’ve ever wondered this, here’s how you can find out:

1) Go to your friend requests tab, and at the bottom will be a button that says “See All.”

2) While there, click on “View Sent Requests.” It is there that you’ll be able to see EVERYTHING!


Next up: There’s a simple iPhone 6 hack is a game-changer for all those giant screen problems!


Photo via

Owners of iPhone 6 or 6 plus will for sure know all about the problems that come with having a giant screen.  The main complaint about the model’s giant screens though is that it makes it super hard to reach all the icons on the screen when you’re just using one hand.  Did you know that the phone already has an built in hack to solve this problem? If you can’t reach the top of your screen with one hand, just simply double-tap the home button – that’s double TAP – not double-click.



Also there’s this awesome DIY trick that you can do to create HOLOGRAMS with your iPhone???