
Meghan Trainor is the newest member of the Peanuts gang.

Considering they drew her in her outfit from “All About The Bass” it’s doubtful she’ll actually appear in the movie, but the film’s animators did give her the full Peanuts treatment as a thank you for her new song that will be on the soundtrack.

“Better When I’m Dancin’,” is all about letting go of your insecurities and embracing your true self .

“They wanted a song about confidence and knew I was good at writing those,” Trainor told People. “I feel better when I’m onstage dancing and having fun, so I wrote about that!”

(Not gonna lie – if you read the interview, I don’t think Meghan Trainor knows much about Peanuts other than they paid her money to write a song. Who calls Charlie Brown just simply Charlie? And, her saying, “I do remember when the show was on – it was huge!”? It wasn’t a TV show, it was a comic! EW even reported she’s never seen the TV specials. But, hey, not everyone is a Peanuts fan and it doesn’t make her soundtrack song any less catchy.)

Meghan Trainor is currently on her M-Train tour, and you can watch the fan-filmed video of her debuting the track:

The Peanuts Movie hits theaters Nov. 6, 2015.

Here’s the trailer if you missed it: