

Apparently it can! SAAAAAAAAAAAY what?!?


Wired.com just released an article which exposes a flaw in a 2014 Jeep Cherokee’s computer, it can be hacked.  Not just by plugging into it, but it can be done from a hacker’s couch.  Two hackers who put their skills to use for good, uncovered a massive security flaw in a bunch of Chrysler vehicles.  They are able to remotely hack into the computer and control/disable ANYTHING.


Including the brakes and many other safety features!  Check out the video at KiSS 1023.com and see  that there could be terrible outcomes of this were to become common knowledge.  Don’t worry though; Chrysler is aware and working on a patch.  But it makes you wonder, how many cars are vulnerable that have yet to be found?


Watch the video below!