So I have been in Winnipeg for over a month now and I would love to share a  few things that I have really made me stop and think, “WOW, what a great spot to be.” I have lived all over this country – from the most southern tip of our great nation to the far North and the far west. So things that have popped up in the Peg have really made an impact!


Here are a few


1 – We have some great spots to get pizza! I love pizza and the variety in Za is crazy!! I like that! We should use that in our tourism brochures. Winnipeg – come for the friendliness and stay for another slice!


2 – Cold weather can’t keep us down. It is what it is. Say what you will say, but cold is cold and we live with it!  To people outside of Manitoba that say, “Why do you choose to live there?” It’s home and we complain about the cold as well so get over it!


3 – Skip the Dishes is a way of life!


4 – The Jets have the hearts of this city and most people really are not fully healed from when the team left! Even though they are back and life is great it’s still tough to talk about!  It’s a wound that will take a generation to fully heal!


5 – Friendly Manitoba is 100 percent true! I can prove it to my friends on the west coast. I was on my way back from Steinbeck with Arielle and Tessa from the the KiSS family when we passed the geological center of Canada. I snapped in excitement and asked to stop and take a selfie! The girls, both born Winnipeggers eager to get home after a long day standing in the cold, had no problem pulling off the high way to help in my excitement!! That’s when it got interesting. As we pulled off the road and made our way down the service drive we turned to wide and within six seconds we were sucked into the ditch and the KiSS Jeep was buried in the snow. There was no way we were driving out! Enter “Friendly Manitoba” – within four minutes the first car stopped, two minutes later the next car stopped they offered us there CAA card. Then the first 4×4 stopped with a gentleman and 3 friends heading to the city for a party. Next the fourth car stopped with a business man suited up and before I could yell ‘Friendly Manitoba” we were out of the ditch and everyone was cheering! I learned a lot that day! It doesn’t matter where you are from or what you are doing helping others is just what we do!

Friendly Manitoba …Yeppers!!