You always hear about a bike being too big or too heavy. Here’s one reason why it really isn’t. This demonstration at the Harley-Davidson Stand at the 2013 NY Motorcycle Show shows how anyone, even the tiny woman they have doing the demo, can lift a large bike.

I know, you’re thinking that you’d never be careless enough to drop your bike but I’ll admit that it happened to me. In the parking lot at work, when I twisted my wheel the wrong way as I was backing out of my parking spot. And beyond being upset about what you might have damaged (so expensive!!) it’s beyond embarrassing to have to go and ask for help picking it up. I felt all my “I am woman, hear me roar” seep out of me as I had to tuck my tail between my legs and beg two big guys I worked with to help me pick my bike up.

If I’d only seen this years ago I could have avoided all that shame! Only my mechanic and I would have known what I’d done.